Skills to discover your purpose
Resilience, optimism, motivation, meaningful life, a healthy heart.
Committed and motivated employees, loyal customers, higher brand value.
The benefits of personal and shared purpose are evident.
The call for individuals and organizations operating purpose-led has been evident for a while. (
And the definition of what purpose is also somewhat clear:
To have a long term goal, a change for the better you want to see in the world, centered around things you are interested and passionate about, that are meaningful to you e.g. based on your life story.
This definition applies to individuals and organizations as well.
But this is only the general definition of purpose, not a personal and unique one. So we as individuals and organizations are left with a question;
Well, what exactly is it for me or for us?
To find, articulate and to live out one’s personal and unique (individual or shared) purpose some tools and skills are needed!
For these tools and skills, we need to take a look at the concept of spiritual intelligence (we could get way more analytic and scientific with this concept, but for now, roll with me on this one!)
To chew on the concept a bit:
Spiritual: Existential, ultimate or sacred, not (necessarily) religious
Intelligence: The ability to solve problems
After putting these two bits back together, we get an interesting, only-human capability to solve problems in a way that factors in things above ordinary, mundane or material.
Spiritual intelligence can be seen as a set of skills to reflect spiritual, or existential questions such as:
Who am I? Why am I here? What am I here to do? Am I a part of something bigger than myself? What matters most, over what is urgent? What could be the common thread running through my life, passions, dreams and life lessons?
Using these skills helps you to form a coherent view of your or your organization’s life and existence, that serves as a base line from which you can make choices in a way that you stay on course and live a life that is meaningful and impactful.
In other words,
find, articulate and live out your personal and unique purpose.
We invite the "searchers of the new" to learn these skills with us to find their purpose-led life (=the new)!
- Veera